Saturday, December 28, 2019
Chemistry Abbreviations Starting With the Letter M
Chemistry abbreviations and acronyms are common in all fields of science. This collection offers common abbreviations and acronyms beginning with the letter M used in chemistry and chemical engineering. Abbreviations Starting With M M - concentration (Molarity)m - massM - Megam - meterM - Methylm - milliM - MolarM - MoleculeM3/H - Cubic Meters per HourmA - milliampereMAC - Mobile Analytical ChemicalMADG - Moisture Activated Dry GranulationMAM - Methyl Azoxy MethanolMASER - Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of RadiationMAX - MAXimummbar - millibarMBBA - N-(4-MethoxyBenzylidene)-4-ButylAnilineMC - MethylCelluloseMCA - Multi Channel AnalyzerMCL - Maximum Contaminant LevelMCR - MultiComponent ReactionMCT - Medium Chain TriglycerideMCT - MonoCarboxylate TransporterMd - MendeleviumMDA - MethyleneDiAnilineMDCM - Mechanistically Defined Chemical MixturesMDI - Methylene Diphenyl diIsocyanateMDMA - MethyleneDioxy-MethylAmphetamineMDQ - Minimum Daily Quantityme - mass of an electronME - Materials EngineeringME - MEthyl groupMEE - Minimum Explosive EnergyMEG - MonoEthylene GlycolMEL - MethylEthylLeadMES - MethylEthylSulfateMeV - Million electronVolt or MegaelectronVoltMF - Methyl FormateMF - Micro FiberMFG - Mo lecular Frequency GeneratorMFP - Maximum Freezing PointMFP - Molecular Free PathMFP - MonoFluoroPhosphateMg - Magnesiummg - milligramMGA - Modular Gas AnalyserMH - Metal HalideMH - Methyl HydroxideMHz - MegaHertzMIBK - MethylIsoButylKetoneMIDAS - Molecular Interactions Dynamics And SimulationsMIG - Metal Inert GasMIN - MINimummin - minutesMIT - MethylIsoThiazolinoneMKS - Meter-Kilogram-SecondMKSA - Meter-Kilogram-Second-AmperemL or ml - milliliterML - Mono Layermm - millimeterMM - Molar massmmHg - millimeters of mercuryMn - ManganeseMNT - Molecular NanoTechnologyMO - Molecular OrbitalMo - MolybdenumMOAH - Mineral Oil Aromatic HydrocarbonMOH - Measurement of Hardnessmol - moleMOL - moleculeMP - Melting pointMP - Metal ParticulateMPD - 2-Methyl-2,4-PentaneDiolMPD - m-PhenyleneDiamineMPH - Miles Per HourMPS - Meters Per SecondMr - Relative Molecular massMRT - Mean Radiant TemperatureMS - Mass Spectrometryms - millisecondMSDS - Material Safety Data SheetMSG - MonoSodium GlutamateMt - Me itneriumMTBE - Methyl Tert-butyl EtherMW - MegaWattmW - MilliWattMW - Molecular WeightMWCNT - Multi-Walled Carbon NanoTubeMWCO - Molecular Weight CutOffMWM - Molecular Weight Marker
Friday, December 20, 2019
America´s Involvement in Foreign Affairs and War - 784 Words
1. Majority of the presidents before Theodore Roosevelt had no interest at all in foreign affairs until after the World War I. President Theodore Roosevelt and other presidents made foreign affairs more captivating than before. Roosevelt strongly believed in the worth and significance of Americans power and the usage of the power, but he had different ways of using the power. Roosevelt also believed that there was a great advantage in foreign affairs that would cause economic development and growing industrialist society. He believed that he had the right, the power, and that it was his duty to intervene in the affairs to make sure that there was order and stability. 2. For many years since the 1870s, majority of the leading countries in Europe had been causing tension and conflicts with one another. During this time period, Germany had gained the largest power compared to France. France had been preparing for war just in case Germany decided to attack France. Many other countries feared Germany and its power over the continent, Russia hoped to ally itself with France, Great Britain and even Germany to guarantee its protection. A deadly war broke out in 1914, a war in which European powers had tried to avoid for the longest time. Some Americans felt bad for Germany, Wilson and other Americans on the other hand sided with Britain. Wilson himself sided with England, a country he admired greatly, and England’s allies. Not many Americans wanted the United States to enter theShow MoreRelatedCan the United States Ever Be an Isolationist Country?937 Words  | 4 Pagesitself an â€Å"isolationist†nation, in which they avoided any sort of foreign affairs with other countries. But can America ever be an isolationist country with the many conflicts with its long time rivals in Europe? 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At the turn of the century, and after gaining our independence, the United States land mass more than doubled through the use of purchasing, annexing, and war. However, the foreign policy of our government took a predominately isolationist stand. This was a national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries. General Washington shaped these values by upholdingRead MoreEssay on US foreign Policy 1865-1914, expansionist or isolationist881 Words  | 4 Pages Was the foreign policy of the United States primarily isolationist or expansionist through 1865-1914? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; At the turn of the century, and after gaining our independence, the United States land mass more than doubled through the use of purchasing, annexing, and war. However, the foreign policy of our government took a predominately isolationist stand. This was a national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries. General WashingtonRead MoreThe Negative Impacts Of Isolationism And Isolationism In America1716 Words  | 7 PagesFor years America has been seen as the world’s hero swooping in and saving the day from foreign bad guys, or at least that’s America sees itself as. To many other countries however America is often seen as the world’s bully or just a nuisance. The United States has had many positive impacts on the world and those seem to over shadow the large number of negative impacts it has imposed as well. The world has been changed by the U.S. in both positive and negative ways, and this is du e to the alternatingRead MoreThe United States And Foreign Policy Essay982 Words  | 4 PagesAmerica believed that it was isolated from the rest of the world, and its foreign policy reflected these ideas and beliefs. The United States was on its way to becoming a world power and advancing its own interest in the world, especially in the North and South America. Isolationism caused the United States to avoid being involved in other countries politics and for the U.S. to remain neutral in foreign policy Americans in the 19th century were more interested in domestic events than the affairsRead MoreEssay on The Foreign Policy of the USA956 Words  | 4 PagesThe Foreign Policy of the USA Americans viewed themselves as geographically isolated and this made them believe they could withdraw from the rest of the world and focus on their own affairs, notably after the great depression. It meant that the USA avoided being involved in foreign disputes that may lead to war. Americans believed the Pacific and Atlantic oceans protected them. b.) Describe how the US contributed to winning the Second World War. [4] The
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
Question: Explain Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development? Answer: Introduction Organizations all over the world are being affected by a new part, which is to fulfil the needs of the existing generation without limiting the capability of the next years to fulfil their own needs. Companies are being called upon to take liability for the methods their functions effect cultures and the habitat. They are also being asked to apply durability concepts to the methods in which they perform their company. Sustainability represents an organizations activities, typically regarded non-reflex, which illustrate the addition of community and environmental issues in company functions and in communications with stakeholders (Albareda, Lozano, and Ysa, 2007). It is no longer appropriate for a company to experience financial success in solitude from those providers affected by its activities. A firm must now focus its interest on both increasing its main point here and being a good business resident. Keeping up to date with international styles and staying dedicated to bad debts to provide both community and private benefits have pressured organizations to improve their frameworks, guidelines, and company models. To comprehend and improve existing initiatives, the most culturally accountable organizations continue to modify their short and long-term plans, to stand above fast changing difficulties (Alvord, 2004). In addition, a marked and complicated move has happened in how organizations must comprehend themselves in regards to a wide range of both local and international stakeholders. The quality of connections that a company has with its workers and other key stakeholderssuch as customers, traders, providers, community and government authorities, activists, and communitiesis crucial to its success, as is its capability to react to aggressive conditions and corporate social responsibility (CSR). These significant changes require national and international companies to approach their company in terms of sustainable development, and both individual and business control performs a big part in this change (Bendell, 2005). Organizations have developed a wide range of techniques for working with this junction of social needs, the habitat, and corresponding company imperatives. Companies can also be regarded on a developing procession with regard to how greatly and how well they are developing community liability techniques into both strategy and daily functions globally. At one end of the procession are organizations that do not recognize any liability to community and the surroundings. And on the other end of the procession are those organizations that view their functions as having a significant effect as well as dependency on community at the financial, community, and environmental levels, thus leading to a sense of liability beyond the traditional limitations of the company. Most organizations can be placed somewhere in between (Bendixen and Abratt, 2007). Corporate liability or durability is therefore a popular feature of the company and community literary works, working with subjects of company values, business community performance, international business citizenship, and stakeholder control. Management education can be an important source of new ideas about moving toward a rather than broken information economic system, but this means also that the part and significance of culturally accountable control needs to be modified. Much further analysis is needed to create a better understanding of what is required, both in control itself and in the area of control development (Matten and Moon, 2004). In the following, we existing the state of the art of information related to CSR and the part of control. We emphasize some existing improvements on this subject and emphasize resemblances and variations in the three perspectives of the triple bottom line (TBL)the environmental, social, and company domains. The area details complicated and critical issues, such as human privileges, environmental protection, equivalent opportunities for all, reasonable competitors, and the dependencies that occur between organizations and community. Continuous analysis shows that a wide range of techniques, alliances and connections, and techniques are being used around the world. The literary works also shows that although the desire of many corporations to promote a better world is great, converting that desire into reality shows to be somewhat of a task (Galbreath, 2006). Background The first concept it is recognized concentrates on why CSR gets began in companies and how it is or can be well applied. As to why CSR gets began, some writers claim that CSR can be seen as either a fundamental element of the company technique and business identification, or it can be used as a protecting policy, with the latter being used more often by companies focused by activists. The reasoning for CSR can be depending on an ethical discussion, a logical discussion, or a financial discussion. (Campbell, 2007) is associate of a group of research that create testable propositions appropriate to the circumstances under which companies will move toward CSR. He recognizes corporations level of social liability as being affected by factors such as economic circumstances of the company, health of the economic system, and well-enforced state guidelines. Why companies take on CSR is also mentioned in the literary works with regards to the specific projects under which CSR may fall. Ways of explaining these rationales differ, from the more sceptical view of cause-related marketing to a more nice attribution of authentic culturally accountable company methods. To determine how CSR is applied in companies, some research uses a developing structure to show change in attention, technique, and activity over time, and posits levels of CSR from primary to changing. (Jackson and Nelson, 2004) take more of a how-to strategy, providing a principle-based structure for perfecting what they contact the new guidelines of the game. Illustrations of concepts include utilizing advancement for the public excellent, putting individuals at the centre, and growing financial chance. Although there is significant difference in the characteristics and the level of the business techniques shown in the literary works, attention in the area seems positioned to activate further research and to provide both scientists and CSR experts some useful route for activity and representation. Continuous dedication can obtain from either financial self-interest or from ethical grounding. Frequently, of course, both of these implement (BLOWFIELD, 2005). When the value added is considered to be significant and beneficial, the company situation will implement. Building the company situation for CSR, (Husted and Allen, 2007) point out that much effort has focused on CSR in an attempt to show that beneficial CSR can be connected to enhanced economic efficiency. There is a growing sense that looking after the individuals and the group as well as the surroundings are all appropriate to long-term company success. Though the company situation for CSR seems to be powerful, the literary works also shows the fact that there are questions as well as cynicism. An excellent example of the comparison between CSR as company situation and CSR as ethical problem is revealed by (Hartman, Rubin and Dhanda, 2007). In its cross-cultural research of interaction of CSR actions in U.S. and Western companies, the article shows that U.S. companies rationalize CSR using financial aspects or bottom-line conditions and explanations in their marketing communications, whereas Western Partnership companies depend more intensely on language or the concepts of citizenship, business liability, or ethical dedication. Results also indicate that Western companies do not value durability to the exemption of economical components, but instead venture durability dedication in addition to economical dedication. U.S. companies focus more intensely on economical explanations, whereas Western Partnership companies integrate both economical and durability components in justifying their CSR. Western companies have a major part in the CSR activity as a sustainable developmen t chance. One source of ongoing CSR dedication is shown in the number of articles focused on the need for companies to take an effective part in hardship decrease initiatives. This literary works often indicates with a contact for a more precise recognition of hardship in the business citizenship area and for business management to name the problem, structure it in such a way as to speed up its decrease, and take an effective part in hardship decrease initiatives. Companies must force to search for something other than the smallest short-term price for the biggest short-term obtain. Misunderstandings and incorrect presumptions are available about work at home possibilities and productivity available at the end of the financial chart. By providing the inadequate, company can obtain new resources of fast income growth and greater efficiency with price decrease projects for the international companies, which also results in improved buying power for the local customers, as well as acce ss to advancement (Bossink, 2007).
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Does Arrest Reduce Domestic Violence Essay Example For Students
Does Arrest Reduce Domestic Violence Essay Domestic ViolenceWhat is battering? Why do men batter? Why do women stay? These are all questions that I will answer. I will also offer insight into the minds of victims that may help give a better understanding to the devastating cycle that hides behind the doors of many homes today that is better known as Domestic Violence. What is battering? Battering is a pattern of behavior that is used to establish power and control over another person. This control can be obtained through many different avenues. Minimizing, making light of the victims concerns, shifting responsibility and laying blame. Isolation, controlling what the victim does, reads and limiting outside involvement all together, even from family. Intimidation, causing the victim to feel afraid by using looks, gestures, or actions, such as demonstrating violence in her presence. Emotional Abuse, putting the victim down, calling her names, convincing and making her believe shes crazy, humiliating, depriving her of sleep and p laying mind games. Why do men batter? Battering begins and continues because violence is an effective method for gaining and keeping control over another person. Batterers usually do not suffer consequences for their behavior, which encourages them to keep up their behavior. They get a sense of security when they have control that makes them feel better about themselves. Some of the characteristics of batterers include men that see women as property, they have low self- esteem, they dont take blame for their behavior, and they appear to be very charming and often are seen as a nice guy to outsiders looking in. They often have traits such as extreme jealousy, possessiveness, unpredictable behavior and a bad temper. Why do women stay in violent relationships? is generally answered with a victim-blaming attitude of abuse. They are often accused of having no character or they must like or need bad treatment, otherwise they would leave. Others may be told that they love too much or have low self-esteem. Common sense would probably have most rational people thinking in this way. The truth is that no one enjoys being abused, no matter what kind of emotional state or self-image they may have. Some of the emotions that I experienced in this kind of relationship are isolation, paranoia, shame and embarrassment. As a victim of abuse, I, like many victims, didnt realize that I was in an abusive relationship. My view of domestic violence, had I been asked seven years ago, would have been described with such things as black eyes, hidden bruises and violence in a home. I didnt realize that such things as intimidation, threats, name calling, put downs and silent-treatment were abusive behaviors. I thought tho se things were present in my relationship and later, my marriage, because I was a bad wife. I was a bad mother. I didnt know how to be in a relationship or how to love. I was convinced I was crazy. Like many other women, I never told anyone how I felt because of course, then everybody would know the secret that my husband and I held together I really was crazy. As with most abusive relationships, the emotional and verbal abuse turned to physical abuse. And like many other women, this was the turning point for me emotionally. I started to question my husbands sanity and stability, rather than my own, to myself and later openly to him. This independence that I was exhibiting was a threat to his control and to my safety; which is one of the many reasons women do stay. A womans reasons for staying are more complex than simply her strength of character. In many cases it is dangerous for a woman to leave her abuser. If the abuser has all of the economic and social status, leaving can cause additional problems for the woman such as losing financial support. The fear that over took my life was the fear of losing custody of my two children. One of the obstacles that stood in my way were the fact that I had no support from family, given that my husband was such a nice guy. I was judged and blamed for tearing my family apart because I was the one leaving our home. On
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Tomatoes in Californias Economy
Tomatoes in Californias Economy Introduction United States is a leading producer of tomatoes worldwide. In fact the United States is only second to China in terms of global production. Both processed and fresh tomatoes industries in the United States account for more than two billion dollars in earnings. Florida and California are the two leading states in tomato production.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Tomatoes in California’s Economy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The California tomato industry is the bigger of the two. The California tomato industry was at an all time high in the 1980s and the 1990s. After that, the industry started facing a myriad of problems that eventually resulted in its decline. This paper explores the Californian tomato industry and its fundamentals. The paper also focuses on both the positive and negative aspects of the industry. The Fresh Tomato Industry California’s fresh tomato industry accounts for more than a third of the United States’ total production. The commercial acreage of the fresh tomato industry in California is approximately thirty-five thousand acres. Fresh production of tomatoes was at its peak around the 1980s. At that time the commercial acreage stood at around forty thousand acres. Tomatoes are grown in California all year round except during the winter season. California’s fresh tomato industry has had a national market share of twenty five to thirty seven percent since 1980. Tomato supplies from California peak after the spring season. Commercially, California’s fresh tomato market profitability dips from August to September when other markets have locally produced tomatoes. The demand for California’s tomatoes peaks during the colder months. During this time the United States has to rely on supplementary tomatoes from Mexico. Tomatoes from the California region are mostly supplied to supermarkets around the United States. Around seventy percent of this market is in other states. In addition, most fresh tomatoes from California are purchased by domestic consumers. Tomatoes purchased for industrial purposes account for approximately thirty percent of the total production. Prices of fresh tomatoes around California are considerably low compared to those in other states. Average tomato prices factor in the cost of wages, farm inputs, advertising, and land. Over the last two decades, prices of tomatoes in California have stagnated as a result of increased imports and green house production.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More California’s Tomato Processing Economics Tomato farming is subsequently associated with processed products such as tomato sauce and tomato paste. California leads in production of processed tomato products. Its global market share stands at around thirty percent. The ot her large producers of these products include Spain and China. Just like the fresh tomatoes industry, the processing industry flourished around the 1980s and 1990s. This boom was mostly occasioned by high prices, expanded acreage, and higher yielding tomato varieties. Oversupply was the main factor responsible for the decline of this industry. In 2000 economic observers had predicted that the tomato market industry would experience a decline in the subsequent years. One of the leading tomato processors by the name of Tri Valley Growers Limited filed for bankruptcy in that same year. This resulted in a crisis for the many farmers who were suppliers of this company. The tomato processing industry was predicted to decline based on various factors. One of these was the over-supply that had resulted from the ever increasing acreage. In the San Joaquin Valley for instance, tomatoes were virtually the only crop under production. The other factor was the declining domestic consumption that had resulted from increased imports. There was also a case of increased processing capacity. This meant that no produce was wasted irrespective of the level of supply. Eventually this supply overcame demand resulting in an over-supply of processed tomato products. The other reason for this grim prediction was the fact that other markets were seeking to reprise the success of the Californian industry. In turn, the tomato industry in California was facing stiff competition internationally. The Californian tomato industry was originally meant to substitute the cotton industry. By then the cotton industry was seemingly on the decline. In addition, processed tomatoes had substantially higher returns. This enterprise soon flourished with farmers in California proceeding to develop their own processing plants. In the years between 1980 and 2000, tomato growing and processing was a very viable economic venture. This was until the predicted downturn began taking effect around the year 2000. In the last ten years, statistics show that there has not been any tangible growth in this industry. Even in terms of production volumes, the figures still point towards a decline. The global market share previously held by Californian products is slowly being absorbed by Western European countries and China.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Tomatoes in California’s Economy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is approximated that tomato growing acreage has been declining by an average of three percentage points per year. Volumes of production have also declined considerably. County wise, San Joaquin County leads in production with volumes of forty tons per acre in the last ten years. Fresno and Yolo counties are close contenders with a ten-year average of thirty eight and thirty six tons per acre respectively. The reasons for this stagnated processing industry were covered earlier. To cope with this decline bo th private and farmer-owned industries have built larger and more efficient plants. This move has reduced processing costs and ensured production of a higher quality tomato paste. Since 2000 most factories have focused on building their processing capacity. Processing plants are mostly built to support a specific acreage. It is for this reason that some experts have argued that the reason for the decreasing acreage is because no new processing plants have been built to support new acreage. It is therefore assumed that additional processing plants would stimulate an increase in acreage. Currently the processing capacity of the industry in California stands at around eleven million tons per season. The domestic tomato processing industry is on its part showing signs of improvement from the decline occasioned in the last decade. Currently, the household per capita consumption of tomato products is approximately seventy five pounds. This is a very high rate when it is compared to other developed countries. There are no readily available statistics of consumption rates of other processed tomato products. Therefore, there is no way of finding out the consumption rates of individual products like pastes, sauces, catsup, juices, among others. Tomato production in California is mostly forward contracted. There is a bargaining association that represents a majority of the farmers in California. This association is known as CTGA- California Tomato Growers Association and it negotiates independently with processors. For this reason, most farmers in California receive approximately the same prices for their tomatoes. Consequently, the price of tomatoes in California has remained constant over the last decade. This is different from other vegetables that have been characterized by fluctuating prices. This trend is mostly as a result of contracting. It also serves as an indicator of the fact that contracting stabilizes prices over a long period of time.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More United States is both an exporter and an importer of processed tomato products. Statistics of this intra-industry trade show that the United State’s net exports have risen in the last few years. In the 2010- 2011 season, exports of processed tomato products were slightly less than one ton. These figures indicate that only about ten percent of tomatoes grown in the United States end up being exported. The two main export destinations of processed tomato products are Mexico and Canada. These two countries combined purchase about sixty percent of the total United States exports. Japan has also been another export destination. However, this market has recently been facing stiff competition from China. Despite the tough competition in the global front, California’s tomato industry has remained a formidable force. Observers had predicted that China would displace California in the global market. However, over the last decade California’s global market share has remain ed constant. Economically, China has performed better by managing to double its processing capacity over the same period. In addition, China’s acreage has managed to increase by around thirty percent. The main reason for this turn of events is the fact that California has been able to maintain its domestic market share. This share accounts for about ninety percent of California’s total production. Industry experts are still wary of China’s rise. Most predictors are afraid that China may flood the global market with tomato paste in the near future. Conclusion This paper has explored the basic economic aspects of tomato growing and processing in California. It can therefore be concluded that this industry is mainly dependent on domestic consumption. This means global market shocks have not affected the industry in a major way. China still remains the biggest competitor to California’s products on the global front. In addition, the secret of the industryâ₠¬â„¢s growth is an increase in export capacity.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Youth sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Youth sports - Essay Example The highlighted that youth sports are very important for the social skills development, where the youngsters interact with other individuals and are the best way to make friends as well as acquaintances. It does not only help them in interacting with other socially, but at the same time gives them a sense of belonging and unity as well. Apart from the social benefits, the physical advantages are also great where the athletic youngsters mature and grow in physique and body composition in a better manner in comparison to the non athletic youngsters. The normal structural growth of the body and the bones has to be supported by the proper physical exerting activities and exercise has proved itself to be the best way for the improvement of the bone width and the mineralization. (Volkwein-Caplan, K. A. E., 2009) Most importantly, the benefits of the youth sports is not only limited to the development of the physique and the social skills, but the physical activities lead to the psychological advantages for the youngsters as well. Sports give these youngsters a sense of accomplishment and achievement where they start believing in their abilities and their talent. Winning is associated with the motivation and even participating at some level gives them a fair opportunity to build confidence. The psychological advantages associated with the youth sports are very important, but at the same time the personality traits and characteristics are also nourished and expanded. The sense of belonging to a team makes the youngsters self disciplined individuals and they do not only commit themselves to a certain team but in order to strive for success, they put in a lot of hard work to practice sessions and then succeed at the end of the day. (Volkwein-Caplan, K. A. E., 2009) The development of confidence plays a vital role and the challenging training sessions is
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